Our Swiss licensed nurseries 'Elsa'

Obstbaumschule Patricio Borter

 Ametjistrasse 15

3948 Unterems


Tel 0041 79 401 0476




Glauser's Bio-Baumschule GmbH

Ruedi & Theres Glauser

Limpachmatt 22

3116 Noflen


email glauser@biobaumschule.ch



Hauenstein AG Baumschule Rafz

Landstrasse 42

8197 Rafz


Tel 0041 44 879 11 22

email info@hauenstein-rafz.ch



Baumschule Salathé

Hof Grund 6

4457 Diegten


Tel 0041 61 971 27 44

email bs-salathe@bluewin.ch


Toni Suter Baumschule-Gartenbau AG

Daniel Sutter

Fislisbacherstrasse 1a

5413 Birmenstorf AG


Tel 0041 56 493 12 12

email info@tonisuter.ch




Scherrer Baumschulen

Willi Scherrer


9322 Egnach


Tel 0041 71 477 2004



Thurfrut AG

Marcel Schmid


8592 Uttwil


Tel 0041 71 460 26 66

email info@thurfrut.ch




copyright Carole Parodi

‚Elsa‘ is a cross between ‚Bergarouge‘ x ‚Luizet‘

Fruit                Average fruit size (AA), round shape, bicoloured orange-red. Juicy, with medium aroma. Average fruit weight between 50 and 70 gram.




Harvest          ‚Elsa‘ ripens between 01 July to 10 July, in the same harvest window as 'Orangered'. 2 to 4 picks are necessary.




Tree                Medium vegetative growth. Open shape. Robust against fungal disease of flower monilia.


If you have any questions regarding nurseries, propagation licenses, legal rights and marketing of ‚Mia‘, please contact us.